Public Human Resources Management System

The software, which covers the transactions of all personnel working in public institutions and having different legal statuses, allows the organization to carry out personnel management in the most efficient way.


It is fully integrated between modules in terms of functions and works integrated with external institutions through web services.

WEB-Based and Platform - Independent:

WEB-Based, configured on open software, and platform-independent. It can run on any system software installed by the institution.

End-to-End Personnel Management:

It ensures that end-to-end procedures are carried out by performing collective transactions such as promotion and salary calculations, following all processes and realization of all processes from the employment of the civil servants to their departure from the institution.

Advanced Reporting:

Users will have the opportunity to get the list reports they need, which are not in the system, from the system in Excel format by specifying the conditions without the need for programming work.

Integration with the Ministry of Health:

It works integrated with the Ministry of Health system through WEB Services and automatically transfers all kinds of changes, additions and deletions regarding personnel information to the system at any time during the day

Bireysel İşlemler Sistemi:

Bireysel işlemler sistemi ile çalışan her personel kendisine ait özlük bilgilerini, bordro bilgilerini görebilir ve izin talebinde bulunabilir.

Security by User and Personnel Type:

The creation of menus according to the authorizations of the defined users allows users to query, save, update and delete authorizations according to personnel types and units.

Flexible Parametric Infrastructure:

EWith its flexible parametric infrastructure, the requirements of institutions can be met by quickly and reliably identifying changes arising from laws by users.

Archiving of Personnel Documents:

Documents belonging to civil servants are kept in the system according to the types of documents in electronic form, which allows accessing and viewing the relevant documents in the Personnel Registration File in a short time.